Wednesday, May 30, 2007

tipah tertipu ...

last week .. i went to lowyat to get new hanpon

expecting the latest model w lowest price at the hottest IT stall

hampeh giler .. korang janganla tertipu

JANGAN pegi kedai hanpon opposite dgn escalator 3rd floor Lowyat tuh ..

masa aku pegi ada 3 org amoi cina yg sangat hampeh .. masa promo bukan main baik , pijak semut pun tak mati ... nak bagi itu la ini la , plastic cover free, bole upgrade freela , hanset ori la .. semua mangkuk hayun jer ... sbb tanak kitarang lari , kutu tuh bg special price rm600 complete set model gambar sebelah tuh ... lepas solat , kitarang pegi balikla mcm dijanjikan . Sekali kutu tu duk promo2 model motorola la , nokia la .. questioning y kitarang nak sgt model SE tuh ...

then kecoh2 kata model yg dioffer rm600 tuh , local made , bateri tahan sehari , no cabel , no memory card , charger local - basicly no warranty at all .. paling aku tak tahan dia buat offer memory card M2 yg 1gig RM 100++ , padahal kat tingkat atas jual less than rm100 .. aku siap tunjuk flyers lowyat lagi kat dia ... bangang tak ?? igt aku apa , baru sampai kat KL ke hape ?

apahalll??!! .. kitarang dah bengang .. aku mintak balik hanset lama + nak blah .. dia tanak bagi katanya hanset tu dah ada buyer !! .. korang percaya tak , aku baru je pass hanset tu setengah jam ... dia dah buat harta sendiri , gi jual kat 2nd hand kedai !! bangang giler !!

gaduh2 , barula kutu tuh ckp ... set RM600 tuh dah abih stock , dia kena bagi yg semua accesory ori .. harga baru RM660 , sbb tanak rugi punya pasal dia kelentong memacam ... sampai last , kutu cina tuh buat muka tapak kuali .. plastic cover harge rm5 pun tak nak bagie

lainkali kalu aku jupe kutu cina tuh lagih .. ishh siapla

tikam belakang ..

one fine day after postcall ..
aku terlupa to change my phone .. so after finished , immediately after i push the ON button .. tuit tuit u have message .. guess who - it was boss
the message straight and forword - please come at 2.30 pm
apa ke hal ??
rupanya , the bunker was fully loaded and busy that day ..
adala member aku sorang , she .. yes i mean SHE .. was supposted to go off at 3 pm
but seems that , i'm 20 minutes earlier .. sesukahati dia nak passover all those case to me
kalau korang bengang TAK ??...
i'm supposted to be there to help her .. so apa bezanya aku pegi awal ke lambat ..
dahla tu ... siap tinggal lagie 2 cases waiting 3 hours .. no clerking nothing
ntah pape ... ee gerammnyee

salam ..

salam ..
as beginning for ..
i'm sure korang agree w me , certain thing that happen esp in our life is cruel , not fair , hipokrit , selfish and rubbishhh .. Most of time , we cant do anything + helpless , and at last just let it go
thats y , i'm thinking about writing this blogs - to express myself peacefully ..
maybe this only hangat-hangat tahi ayam , but just let it be and see how long it survive
any comment .. or u have other brilliant ideas , kindly share
to all readers .. i thank you